You can help make this beloved community event happen each year!
Yes, you!

We are a 100% volunteer-driven event and we welcome everyone to join us. 

See below for the many ways you can help the Festival, both year-round and during Festival week itself.

Year-Round Festival Committees, Teams, and Tasks

  • Program Committee

  • Hospitality Team

  • Membership Committee

  • Logistics - Planning

  • Logistics - Deployment

  • Fundraising / Major Donors / Sponsorships

  • Graphic Design

  • Promotions

  • Website/Social Media Maintenance

  • Finance Committee

  • Tee-Shirts

  • Raffle

Volunteering Before, During, and After the Festival

  • Equipment Set-Up

  • T-Shirt and Raffle Sales/Info Table

  • Performer Merchandise Sales

  • Roaming Raffle Sales

  • Photographer

  • Performer Hospitality Host

  • Bakers

  • Hospitality Runner

  • Pass-the-Hat

  • Accessibility Host

  • Program/Audience Survey Ambassador

  • Stage Crew/Setup

  • Waste Warriors

  • Floater and Roaming Security

  • Event Emcee

  • Clean up After

Sign up to Volunteer!